Exchange between students of art education from Switzerland and the South Caucasus / Austausch zwischen Studierenden der Kunstpädagogik aus der Schweiz und dem Südkaukasus

Reflection on the General Situation of Teachers

Interviews to lecturers from the different countries Switzerland, Armenia, Abkhazia
and Georgia

Question 1:
“In which fields do the graduates of art (-pedagogy) universities work and are they able to
find work?”

“To find a job in the art field after graduating at the art pedagogical university is not at all
“Graduates from art pedagogical university might be able to work as art teachers in the
“Other options are to open private art studios and ateliers and organize afternoon classes for
kids. This is possible in the capital city Sukhumi. They have studios in painting and
“Graduates may also work in art galleries. Unfortunately in the country there isn’t any
museum operating at the moment.”
“Another option for graduates is to attend a Master Education in addition to the Art College.
With this diploma Students are allowed to teach art also in Universities and art colleges. But
it requires 3-4 years of assistance at the University and then an exam.”
“If you work 100% at a privat art school, you are paid enough for a living.”

“Art pedagogy culture was developed in Georgia during the Soviet Times. At the beginning
with an avant garde approach in line and cooperation with the German Bauhaus. Later art
was strictly focused on propaganda and soviet esthetics”
“The teachers for the soviet times are still in the jobs, also because the pension you get after
retirement is not enough.”
“The post-soviet education system for art teachers is only 2 years old, it started in 2020. But
all 20 graduates from that year are now working in the field.”
“The education lasts 5 years: in the first 4 years, you study art and then one year is
dedicated to (art-) pedagogy”.
“The salary is not high in that field.”
“Still, there are teachers who work in little villages as art teachers and they do it because it
gives them stability in their life.”
“If you work at a school, the state pays you the salary. If you work in art studios from
municipalities, then they pay the salary.”

“There is only a little rotation of employees, it needs patience to get a job.”
“Another way is to open an own studio (after school clubs). The participants of the course
pay a fee which will be used for the salary of the teacher.”
“As an art teacher it is difficult to earn enough money for a living, because you are paid per
hour and usually there are not enough lessons in art for a teacher to teach.”
“A lot of teachers have their side-business where they draw/paint portraits or other things like
sculpture carpets on order/demand.”

“There are only a few jobs free if you want to work at a Gymnasium (high school).”
“If you really want to find a job and if you are persistent, you can find one.”
“It can help if you start with temporarily limited jobs with a small percentage of employment
(as a replacement for someone on maternity leave or sabbatical). Then the school already
knows you and probably will get back to you later if they look for someone for a permanent
“Sooner or later, almost all graduates from art pedagogy will work in the field. At least for
some time in their career.”

Question 2:
How is the income situation of school teachers and do they also need other income (which one)?

Almost no one works 100% as a teacher in school
Even a 100% job in a public school would not be enough, teachers have one or two other job(s)
Examples of other jobs:
– Teaching private art lessons
– Teaching in a private school
– Doing the decoration for weddings
In the private schools the salary is much higher
The salary of art teachers is lower than the salary of other teachers

Almost no one works 100% as a teacher in school
Even a 100% job in a public school would not be enough, teachers have one or two other job(s)
Examples of other jobs:
– Teaching in after school activities (small clubs)
– Teaching in an art studio
– Teaching crafts and technology lessons
In the private schools the salary is much higher
The salary of art teachers is lower than the salary of other teachers

Almost no one works 100% as a teacher in school
Even a 100% job in a public school would not be enough, teachers have one or two other job(s)
Examples of other jobs:
– Teaching private art lessons
– Teaching in an art studio
– Working as a graphic designer
Also in some private schools the salary is very low
The salary is the same for all teachers

Almost no one works 100% as a teacher in school
Teachers do not need another job, a family can live from one salary
The salary in a private school is more or less similar to the salary in a public school
The salary is (nearly) the same for all teachers